THS:UK Scotland Branch invites you to an evening meeting on Cable Tracking Technology
Heald at the Palm Court Hotel, Aberdeen, includes presentation by Prash Poosappadi – Operations Manager at Kraken Robotics – ‘Utilising 3D acoustics to perform cable burial assessment and integrity surveys whilst cable remain operational’
Our events are not only interesting showcases of new tech. but are also a great networking opportunity where you can meet the influencers of our profession, as well as socialise and catch up with new/old friends and colleagues.
Presentation will commence at 19:00.
A light finger buffet will be provided from 18:30.
This event is open to members and non-members of THS:UKI.
CPD Event: This event qualifies as continued professional development for members of appropriate professional organisations such as RICS & ICES.
E-mail Database: If you or a colleague would like to receive notifications of future events by email, please send an email to and we will add you to our database.
For further information, contact Simon Canning or any other committee member.